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Ring Vice

Price starting from $ 216.36 USD *


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Available in different colours and with the possibility of requesting larger diameters to perfectly suit your needs.




Review by Cruel Reell®

Ring Vice

Ring Vice A-Bit-Closed

Ring Vice A-Bit-Closed small
Ring Vice Total-Opened small
Ring Vice Nearly-Closed small
Ring Vice Closed small
Ring Vice Thickness small
Ring Vice Dimension small

This product


Ring Vice Total-Opened

Ring Vice Nearly-Closed

Ring Vice Closed

Ring Vice Thickness

Ring Vice Dimension

Standard dimensions

Examples of customisation

Ring Vice_01
Ring Vice_02
Ring Vice_03
Ring Vice_04


Ring Vice - Goddess Nyx 01
Ring Vice - Mistress Damazonia 02
Ring Vice - Mistress Regina Milano 03
Ring Vice - Mistress Regina Milano 04
Ring Vice - Cruel Reell 05
Ring Vice - Cruel Reell 06
Ring Vice - Mistress Ilina Poisoned 07
Ring Vice - Mistress Ilina Poisoned 08

* Foreign currency prices are calculated based on today's exchange rate and may slightly vary.

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