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Cock Ring

Discover elegance and sophistication with our Cock Ring, designed to enrich your experience and take pleasure to a new level. This ring, made of the highest quality materials, can be put on quickly thanks to its integrated hook, providing both a firm and gratifying sensation. A simple touch on the toggle allows for quick and easy release. Equipped with 10 adjustable stainless steel spikes, it leaves you free to choose the desired intensity, offering a customised experience between pleasure and pain. This product is an excellent alternative to the popular Kali Ring, presenting a more subtle and discreet design.

$ 42.47 USD *


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Available with customisation in diameter and colour.



Cock Ring

Cock Ring Closed

Cock Ring Closed small
Cock Ring Open small
Cock Ring Side small
Cock Ring Open-Side small
Cock Ring Front small
Cock Ring Dimension small
Cock Ring Open

Cock Ring Side

Cock Ring Open-Side

Cock Ring Front

Cock Ring Dimension

* Foreign currency prices are calculated based on today's exchange rate and may slightly vary.

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